Small Animal Care
The small animal portion of our business routinely cares for cats and dogs, but our veterinarians have treated poultry, guinea pigs, rabbits, and pot-bellied pigs. Please call to ask if appointments for these other animal types are available. Our receptionists can also direct you to other clinics the area that work with exotic and pocket pets.

Medicine & Wellness

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin

Time and effort invested in wellness programs have many long term rewards for both pets and owners. Our wellness programs are designed to meet the specific and ever changing needs of your pet during each stage of their life. We try to educate our clients on the importance of providing the best quality of preventative care for their pets through comprehensive physical examinations; internal parasite testing; heartworm and flea control; vaccination programs, spay and neuter surgeries, specialized blood testing; weight management; pain management; and geriatric care.

  • Immunizations: We recommend that animals receive vaccinations based on the amount of risk to which an animal will be exposed. For example, a dog that is never boarded or taken to the groomer may not need vaccinated for bordetella (kennel cough) or canine influenza. Your lifestyle also plays an important role on what your pet is protected from. If your dog travels out of the area or is active outside, please ask about Lyme vaccination. Knowledgeable staff try to educate clients upon the type of coverage necessary for their individual animals and the importance of administering booster vaccines to naïve animals. If you want more information, please contact our office to discuss starting a vaccine program today.
  • Small Animal Radiology: Radiology, or x-rays, helps veterinarians evaluate musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reproductive and urinary problems. Our trained techs and assistants take radiographs of elbows and hips for OFA certification.
  • Isolation Hospitilization: The clinic has a small isolation room where highly contagious animals are hospitalized to decrease the transmission of disease to other animals. This room is primarily used for the hospitalization and treatment of Parvovirus cases.
  • Pain Management: Like people, animals feel pain and discomfort. We understand that pain can inhibit them from enjoying and maintaining an active lifestyle. We recognize that alleviating pain in animals is essential to outstanding patient care.
  • Health Certificates: By law, any animal traveling across state lines is required to have had a veterinarian examine and assess their health and complete a health certificate, within 10-30 days of travel. This is done more frequently on animals that are being sold and transported across the country. If you plan on traveling across state lines and are unsure whether or not you are in need of a health paper, please contact our office for assistance.
  • Microchipping: Microchips have helped reunite thousands of pets with their families. We are glad to be a part of this process and recommend placing microchips during the time of a pet’s spay or neuter.